When we lose a loved one, there are times when we have a need to talk to them. Whether it’s a family member, friend, or even a cherished pet, we want to communicate. Maybe it’s to express our grief, or to help have closure. Perhaps it’s just to share events in our lives, like a new grandchild, a child's school achievement, or getting that new job. The list is endless. Sometimes it’s as simple as letting a dearly departed one know how much we love them, and miss them. Some of us may visit a grave site or a place of worship, just so we can share with them. But sometimes we are unable to visit these places for whatever reason - weather, transportation, illness. But we still have the need to share with our departed loved ones.
In spirit, our loved ones are all around us, and we can feel their love. Spirit Email is a way to direct your attention and communication to your departed loved ones, by sending them an email letter, a sentiment, whatever you want to share. For children who have lost a loved one Spirit Email provides a safe and loving tool for them to achieve closure.
Use this website to send a Spirit Email to your departed loved one. You will receive an email response letting you know that your message has been received, which will help provide you or your family members a real sense of communication and help to create closure.
Feel free to use Spirit email once, every day, or as often as you like.
"My best friend, my little princess, my family, my adorable Yorkie, passed away after being the best welcome home everyday for 12 yrs. I felt lost without her. My co-worker saw how it was affecting me and told me about this website. Nothing will ever replace her, but it's helped me tremendously. I recommend this to everyone who's had any kind of loss."
Michelle- Colorado wrote:
"Today while passing by the park my NaNa used to take me to as a child I smiled remembering her, and the fun we used to have there. When I got home I sent her a letter to share my memories of her and I. I use your site very often and it never fails everytime I see those words "You're SpiritEmail has been received" I feel great!! Thank you for that feeling."
Tim-Texas wrote:
"I lost the love of my life to an accident 2 yrs ago and was having a very difficult time dealing with it. A friend of mine told me about your website. Since I've started using it I've been able to get closer to some sort of closure thank you SpiriteEmail you'll never know how instrumental you've been in helping me in my time of need."